Name: langpack-support Version: 0.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Meta packages for langpack install support Group: System Environment/Base License: GPLv2+ URL: BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) %description Meta packages for langpack support of Yum langpack plugin. %define spc() %(echo -n ' ') %define subpkg() \ %package %1\ Summary: Langpack support metapackage for %2\ Group: System Environment/Base\ Requires: yum-plugin-langpacks\ \ %description %1\ This package provides yum support for installing langpacks for %2.\ \ %files %1\ %defattr(-,root,root) %subpkg af Afrikaans %subpkg am Ethiopic %subpkg ar Arabic %subpkg as Assamese %subpkg az Azerbaijani %subpkg be Belarusian %subpkg ber Amazigh %subpkg bg Bulgarian %subpkg bn Bengali %subpkg bo Tibetan %subpkg br Breton %subpkg bs Bosnian %subpkg ca Catalan %subpkg cop Coptic %subpkg cs Czech %subpkg csb Kashubian %subpkg cy Welsh %subpkg da Danish %subpkg de German %subpkg dz Bhutanese %subpkg el Greek %subpkg en_GB British%{spc}English %subpkg eo Esperanto %subpkg es Spanish %subpkg et Estonian %subpkg eu Basque %subpkg fa Persian %subpkg fi Finnish %subpkg fil Filipino %subpkg fj Fijian %subpkg fo Faeroese %subpkg fr French %subpkg fur Friulian %subpkg fy Frisian %subpkg ga Irish %subpkg gd Gaelic %subpkg gl Galician %subpkg gu Gujarati %subpkg gv Manx %subpkg he Hebrew %subpkg hi Hindi %subpkg hil Hiligaynon %subpkg hr Croatian %subpkg hsb Upper%{spc}Sorbian %subpkg hu Hungarian %subpkg hy Armenian %subpkg ia Interlingua %subpkg id Indonesian %subpkg is Icelandic %subpkg it Italian %subpkg iu Inuktitut %subpkg ja Japanese %subpkg ka Georgian %subpkg kk Kazakh %subpkg km Khmer %subpkg kn Kannada %subpkg ko Korean %subpkg kok Konkani %subpkg ks Kashmiri %subpkg ku Kurdish %subpkg la Latin %subpkg lb Luxembourgish %subpkg lo Lao %subpkg lt Lithuanian %subpkg lv Latvian %subpkg mai Maithili %subpkg mg Malagasy %subpkg mi Maori %subpkg mk Macedonian %subpkg ml Malayalam %subpkg mn Mongolian %subpkg mr Marathi %subpkg ms Malay %subpkg mt Maltese %subpkg my Myanmar %subpkg nb Norwegian %subpkg nds Low Saxon %subpkg ne Nepali %subpkg nl Dutch %subpkg nr Southern%{spc}Ndebele %subpkg nso Northern%{spc}Sotho %subpkg ny Chichewa %subpkg oc Occitan %subpkg or Oriya %subpkg pa Punjabi %subpkg pl Polish %subpkg pt Portuguese %subpkg pt_BR Brazilian%{spc}Portuguese %subpkg ro Romanian %subpkg ru Russian %subpkg rw Kinyarwanda %subpkg sa Sanskrit %subpkg sc Sardinian %subpkg sd Sindhi %subpkg si Sinhala %subpkg sk Slovak %subpkg sl Slovenian %subpkg sm Samoan %subpkg sq Albanian %subpkg sr Serbian %subpkg ss Swati %subpkg st Southern%{spc}Sotho %subpkg sv Swedish %subpkg sw Swahili %subpkg ta Tamil %subpkg te Telugu %subpkg tet Tetum %subpkg tg Tajik %subpkg th Thai %subpkg tk Turkmen %subpkg tl Tagalog %subpkg tn Tswana %subpkg to Tonga %subpkg tr Turkish %subpkg ts Tsonga %subpkg uk Ukrainian %subpkg ur Urdu %subpkg uz Uzbek %subpkg ve Venda %subpkg vi Vietnamese %subpkg wa Walloon %subpkg xh Xhosa %subpkg zh_CN Simplified%{spc}Chinese %subpkg zh_TW Traditional%{spc}Chinese %subpkg zu Zulu %prep %{nil} %build %{nil} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %changelog * Mon Jul 20 2009 Jens Petersen - 0.0-1 - initial package